Monday, May 23, 2011

With Bated Breath

               Enemies of Governor Chris Christie are holding their collective breath for a Supreme Court decision that will be made Tuesday morning on the legality of state school funding cuts. In the balance sits circa 1.7 billion dollars worth of school funding that was removed over the last 1.5 years by the Governor screaming budgetary deficits.
                When the decision is released tomorrow Governor Christie will either be enjoying a political victory or a calamitous defeat. 
     Any victory for the Governor on this issue may prove to be pyrrhic in nature as it comes at the cost of deteriorating public schools which will ultimately affect a whole host of other issues social and economic.  
                A defeat will provide enemies of Christie the ammunition that they need for a powerful salvo against his social and economic policies. A defeat also provides the first ingredient for what has the potential to be a financial perfect storm for a state that has already been staggered by budgetary deficit problems and a host of other issues.
                From my vantage point I believe the court will order the restoration of at least part of the funds which will probably result in a financial crisis for the governor as he faces further budgetary shortfalls or refusal and probable impeachment.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Please, No More Dog and Pony Shows!

In its weekly report the EIA has indicated that crude oil and gasoline stocks remained at the level they were the week before. Shockingly the price of crude on the NYMEX has begun to rise and is currently back over $100 p/bbl. ** Since this posting oil dropped back under $100 p/bbl **

The International Energy Agency indicated in a report today that rising energy prices are affecting the global recovery from the Great Recession and that oil exporting nations should increase production to offset the recent price surge. In summary the IEA points out that high oil prices help neither producer or consumer nations and that a move to ease the financial burden by increased oil production should be undertaken sooner rather than later.

One thing for sure will continue to happen here in the United States,  politicians will continue to posture and make idle threats while middle-class America and the poor around the world bear the brunt of the increased cost and decreased discretionary income vital to an global economic recovery.

What has shocked me is the lack of leadership on all levels from our government in addressing the problem.

The President has been all but lame on the issue convening a Justice Department investigation that was nothing more than lip service to the U.S. public. If the Justice Department didn't throw bankers in jail after the Mortgage-Credit crisis what are they going to do to Big Oil and bankers now? (Maybe a good talking to is in order) It should be added that if President Obama would empower the CFTC to do their job the rise in the price of oil caused by speculation would already be under control and he could save taxpayer dollars for this impotent investigation.

Congress' efforts to threaten oil giants all but blew up in their face last week with Big Oil execs firing back about how they need tax subsidies to be competitive and profitable. Logic dictates that any reduction in subsidies or increase in taxation will only be passed along to the consumer without some form of price control. The last time there were price controls on oil was when Richard Nixon was in office and I doubt that President Obama or Congress will step up to that plate again.

So where is the real leadership from our Government and not the Dog and Pony Show that Congress alluded to last week? 
  • Where are the increases in MPG requirements for car manufacturers beyond what we currently have? Now is the time to push them through while public support is there. 
  • Why are we not funding conversion to liquid propane powered vehicles or another alternative fuel source beyond oil?
  • Where are moves to regulate oil trades and reduce or eliminate speculation beyond those that actually utilize oil i.e. airlines, trucking companies, farmers etc. etc.? 
  • Where are the threats of price ceilings and further regulation of the oil companies themselves? 
  • Where are the permits for drilling on the OCS? Just because BP and co. didn't follow regulations and accepted guidelines doesn't mean others won't?
 Increased energy costs will continue to hamper and slow an economy with 9.4% unemployment. Many of the issues that Democrats and Republicans are currently fighting over are moot without an decrease in the numbers of unemployed. The high level of unemployment is the greatest economic and social threat the nation currently faces and high energy costs will only perpetuate the problem. It is time for Democrats and Republicans to step up and start doing something real and effective about a problem that has dire consequences for the U.S. and the world.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Crude Dynamics - Oil Prices Begin an Overdue Correction

            Crude oil prices seem to be correcting from inflated highs as oil has dropped over $4.00 dollars a barrel today and have settled under $100. Thankfully the laws of supply and demand have finally gained some traction restoring a little order to the volatile oil prices of Q1 and Q2 2011. If these reductions hold the price of gasoline should decline by June and the financial burden placed on American motorists should be eased a bit helping the economy and discretionary income levels. 

Many have blamed speculation by investment banks for the recent volatility and ultimately for artificially inflating the price of oil. Others theorists have indicated that the recent spike is just part of a longer trend upwards which can’t be avoided as we begin to approach peak oil production across the world.  Both send ominous messages to the American consumer and the truth is that both factors are at work here in one degree or the other. But one of the two, speculatory inflation has the more sinister undertone of greed and profiteering in a time when our economy can least afford it.
             So what did it really take to drive down the price of crude and does this indicate that speculation was the culprit behind oil and gas prices?
            Well over the past two weeks we have seen:
  • A 25% increase in the margin requirement on oil by the CME. Last week the CME raised margin requirements for silver and that commodity has lost about $20 per ounce over the last week.
  • EIA reports that have indicated a steady increase in crude oil stocks (3.8 mbbl over the past week alone and 7.8 mbbl for the year) as well as a steady hold in gasoline consumption by American motorists despite the start of the summer driving season.
  • A weakening of the Euro against the Dollar amid inflation problems in various E.U. nations and continued financial problems with Greece, Portugal and Spain.
  • A cooling of the Chinese economy where inflationary control measures have tightened up money.
  • An increase in unemployment filings indicating a slowing of the recovery and ultimately less commuters on the road.
The only mitigating factor in all of this is flooding around the Mississippi delta that may interrupt refinery operations in those areas.

Ironically any one of these events would have been enough in the past to drop oil prices slightly and the combination should be enough to drive the price back to 2010 levels.  However we still have seen only a $15 drop in crude per barrel which hasn’t translated into any real reductions at the pump. In Q2 of 2010 the price of gasoline was 2.81 per gallon while gasoline consumption was at 9.201 mbbl/d. In Q2 2011 gas prices are at 3.85 per gallon while consumption sits at 9.219 mbbl/d.

This seems to indicate that while Supply and Demand dynamics are taking effect speculation and fear of peak oil are still keeping the price artificially high. In the eyes of many recent efforts to rein speculation don’t seem to have gone far enough and the government should further regulate the oil futures market.

       With supplies of crude remaining steady and gasoline consumption flat lined we should be poised for a further drop in the price of oil and ultimately gasoline at the pump. However it is clear now that speculation is still keeping the price higher than it should be. After all it only took a war in Libya (Only about 2% of Libyan oil reaches U.S. shores) to drive the price up $40.00 per barrel why shouldn’t the 5 factors above drive the price back down?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Conspiracy Theories

            It seems to me that Americans love a good conspiracy even when there is no call for one.

The web is abuzz with questions surrounding the White House’s refusal to release pictures of a very dead Osama Bin Laden. Some Americans have concluded that it is just another indicator that Osama Bin Laden really isn’t dead and our government must be lying to the public. After all we did show pictures of the very dead Uday and Qusay Hussein not to mention Saddam himself and they weren’t nearly as hated as Osama Bin Laden.

So why not show pictures of Bin Laden with one to the head? Conspiracy theorists will tell you it has got to be because U.S. commandos really didn’t kill him Sunday night.

What I can’t seem to get from the theorists is a straight and logical answer as to why the government would fake Osama Bin Laden’s death?

The most popular answer for the time being is, “…to help President Obama get reelected.” Of course this begs the question why now and not right before the election when it would probably do the most good. With the current state of gas prices, unemployment and the deficit any good propaganda Osama’s death generates for the Obama campaign will most assuredly be drowned out by election time under a sea of economic reality.

Additionally it seems to me that a living Bin Laden would most likely want to come out and show that he is still alive to really stick it to America. Nothing as of yet but to believe the theorists it should be coming.

While the “Osama isn’t dead” silliness is gaining some velocity on the web the possibility of a very real conspiracy is playing itself out at the State Department between the U.S. and Pakistan.

There will be some hard questions asked of Pakistan and its intelligence service as we begin to analyze how our partner in the War on Terror and beneficiary of billions of dollars in aid managed to allow the most wanted man in the world to live 40 miles outside the capital and a stone’s throw from an army base without anyone noticing. Pakistan has been calling for a halt to U.S. Predator drone strikes and incursions into their country but events with Bin Laden seem to make acquiescing to these demands counter-intuitive. This all adds up to the very real possibility of a deterioration of our relationship with Pakistan and an added complication for our war in Afghanistan.

Ohh well, maybe when Osama comes out of hiding he and the Easter Bunny can tell us how they pulled it off.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Come and Get It? It Didn't Work for the Last Guy...

            Apparently Gov. Christie is planning on challenging the Federal Government in court if it persists with its demand to be repaid 271 million dollars loaned to New Jersey for the building of the scrapped ARC tunnel. Governor Christie remarked today at a press conference, “I ain’t paying it” and “…they’re going to have to come and get it.” 

An attack from SEAL Team 6 on his Mendham home not withstanding it appears the Governor has forgotten that Transportation Secretary LaHood has already indicated he will just withhold Federal Transportation funding from the State. This fact was reiterated again today and it could be that the Gov. is in court from the more precarious position of being owed money rather than the advantageous position of owing.

            From my vantage point the table is being set now for a financial perfect storm in New Jersey as events seem to be lining up against the Governor and the State. With 1.7 billion up in the air as the Supreme Court decides the legality of cuts to the educational system, 271 million owed to the Federal Government and huge holes in both the current fiscal budget, pension system and state highway funds the Governor may be forced to close critical state services or (gasp) beg Washington for a bailout.

            There also seems to be a rather alarming tendency by our Governor to just refuse to obey contracts or decisions that he hasn’t himself made. First he threatens to ignore the NJ State Supreme Court ruling and now tells the Obama administration to "come and get it". He keeps heading in this direction the State of New Jersey will have the credit rating and reputation of a recently paroled crack addict.